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Chapter 3.3 - Build and publish the model with BentoML and Docker locally


Serving the model locally is great for testing purposes, but it is not sufficient for production. In this chapter, you will learn how to build and publish the model with BentoML and Docker.

This will allow to share the model with others and deploy it on a Kubernetes in a later chapter.

In this chapter, you will learn how to:

  1. Create a BentoML model artifact
  2. Containerize the model artifact with BentoML and Docker
  3. Test the containerized model artifact by serving it locally with Docker
  4. Create a container registry that will serve as your model registry
  5. Publish the containerized model artifact Docker image to the container registry

The following diagram illustrates the control flow of the experiment at the end of this chapter:

flowchart TB
    dot_dvc[(.dvc)] <-->|dvc pull
                         dvc push| s3_storage[(S3 Storage)]
    dot_git[(.git)] <-->|git pull
                         git push| gitGraph[Git Remote]
    workspaceGraph <-....-> dot_git
    subgraph cacheGraph[CACHE]
    subgraph remoteGraph[REMOTE]
        subgraph gitGraph[Git Remote]
            action[Action] <--> |...|repository[(Repository)]
    subgraph workspaceGraph[WORKSPACE]
        data --> code[*.py]
        subgraph dvcGraph["dvc.yaml"]
        params[params.yaml] -.- code
        code <--> bento_model[classifier.bentomodel]
        subgraph bentoGraph[bentofile.yaml]
            serve[] <--> bento_model
            fastapi[FastAPI] <--> |bento serve|serve

        bentoGraph -->|bento build
                       bento containerize| bento_artifact
        bento_model <-.-> dot_dvc
        bento_artifact -->|docker tag
                           docker push| registry
    subgraph browserGraph[BROWSER]
        localhost <--> |docker run|bento_artifact
        localhost <--> |bento serve| fastapi

    style workspaceGraph opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style dvcGraph opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style cacheGraph opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style data opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style dot_git opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style dot_dvc opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style code opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style serve opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style bento_model opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style fastapi opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style params opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style s3_storage opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style repository opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style action opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style remoteGraph opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style gitGraph opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 0 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 1 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 2 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 3 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 4 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 5 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 6 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 7 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 8 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80

    linkStyle 10 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80


Create a BentoML model artifact

A BentoML model artifact (called "Bento" in the documentation) packages your model, code, and environment dependencies into a single file. It is the standard format for saving and sharing ML models.

The BentoML model artifact is described in a bentofile.yaml file. It contains the following information:

  • The service filename and class name
  • The Python packages required to run the service
  • The Docker configuration, such as the Python version to use

Create a new bentofile.yaml file in the src directory with the following content:

service: 'serve:CelestialBodiesClassifierService'
    - "tensorflow==2.17.1"
    - "matplotlib==3.9.3"
    - "pillow==11.0.0"
    python_version: "3.12"

Do not forget to include the file in the BentoML model artifact. This file contains the code to serve the model with FastAPI as you have seen in the previous chapter.

The python section contains the Python packages required to run the service. It does not contain DVC and other packages to build the model, as they are not required to run the service.

The docker section contains the Python version to use. It is important to specify the Python version to ensure the service runs correctly.

Now that the bentofile.yaml file is created, you can serve the model with the following command:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Serve the model
bentoml serve --working-dir src

Build the BentoML model artifact

Before containerizing the BentoML model artifact with Docker, you need to build it.

A BentoML model artifact can be built with the following command:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Build the BentoML model artifact
bentoml build src

The output should be similar to this:

INFO: Adding current BentoML version to requirements.txt: bentoml==1.3.15
INFO: Locking PyPI package versions.

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╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝   ╚═╝    ╚═════╝ ╚═╝     ╚═╝╚══════╝

Successfully built Bento(tag="celestial_bodies_classifier:v5rlmavw4kahqaav").

Next steps:

* Deploy to BentoCloud:
    $ bentoml deploy celestial_bodies_classifier:v5rlmavw4kahqaav -n ${DEPLOYMENT_NAME}

* Update an existing deployment on BentoCloud:
    $ bentoml deployment update --bento celestial_bodies_classifier:v5rlmavw4kahqaav ${DEPLOYMENT_NAME}

* Containerize your Bento with `bentoml containerize`:
    $ bentoml containerize celestial_bodies_classifier:v5rlmavw4kahqaav

* Push to BentoCloud with `bentoml push`:
    $ bentoml push celestial_bodies_classifier:v5rlmavw4kahqaav

All Bentos can be listed with the following command:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# List all BentoML model artifacts
bentoml list

The output should be similar to this:

 Tag                                           Size       Model Size  Creation Time
 celestial_bodies_classifier:v5rlmavw4kahqaav  18.88 KiB  9.43 MiB    2024-12-10 11:37:00

Containerize the BentoML model artifact with Docker

Now that the BentoML model artifact is built, you can containerize it with the following command:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Containerize the BentoML model artifact with Docker
bentoml containerize celestial_bodies_classifier:latest --image-tag celestial-bodies-classifier:latest

The first :latest is the tag of the BentoML model artifact. It is a symlink to the latest version of the BentoML model artifact.

The output should be similar to this:

INFO: Building OCI-compliant image for celestial_bodies_classifier:v5rlmavw4kahqaav with docker

[+] Building 57.1s (17/17) FINISHED                                                                      docker:default
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                               0.1s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 1.92kB                                                                             0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for                                                2.3s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                  0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                    0.0s
 => [base-container  1/12] FROM  3.6s
 => => resolve  0.0s
 => => sha256:bc0965b23a04fe7f2d9fb20f597008fcf89891de1c705ffc1c80483a1f098e4f 28.23MB / 28.23MB                   1.2s
 => => sha256:9b871d410cbf35a95adbe8c061f6d60e2e129bd2fd9b60485a8dd397ee3fcf61 3.32MB / 3.32MB                     1.1s
 => => sha256:8bfa778b5b231c44fb4d35b4783fe69f55f2b3f59dad4c8205661c3f752494a6 13.65MB / 13.65MB                   1.6s
 => => sha256:2b0079146a74e23bf4ae8f6a28e1b484c6292f6fb904cbb51825b4a19812fcd8 9.12kB / 9.12kB                     0.0s
 => => sha256:027e90762c20461da8dc5f530b0ca8604b38c382dadacb4471ea47377c7cf951 1.75kB / 1.75kB                     0.0s
 => => sha256:3ebf71e888419589c6cda9e15384dc2bff81338fb591f54af96ca5529df597c2 5.17kB / 5.17kB                     0.0s
 => => sha256:258b25b9265525eaafd659e18f862525eea9e6379dce2ef29defd91ba0b8868c 249B / 249B                         1.4s
 => => extracting sha256:bc0965b23a04fe7f2d9fb20f597008fcf89891de1c705ffc1c80483a1f098e4f                          1.3s
 => => extracting sha256:9b871d410cbf35a95adbe8c061f6d60e2e129bd2fd9b60485a8dd397ee3fcf61                          0.1s
 => => extracting sha256:8bfa778b5b231c44fb4d35b4783fe69f55f2b3f59dad4c8205661c3f752494a6                          0.6s
 => => extracting sha256:258b25b9265525eaafd659e18f862525eea9e6379dce2ef29defd91ba0b8868c                          0.0s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                                  0.1s
 => => transferring context: 9.91MB                                                                                0.0s
 => [base-container  2/12] RUN rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean; echo 'Binary::apt::APT::Keep-Downloaded-Pa  0.5s
 => [base-container  3/12] RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt --mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt s  11.6s
 => [base-container  4/12] RUN curl -LO &&     sh && rm &&   2.8s
 => [base-container  5/12] RUN groupadd -g 1034 -o bentoml && useradd -m -u 1034 -g 1034 -o -r bentoml             0.5s
 => [base-container  6/12] RUN mkdir /home/bentoml/bento && chown bentoml:bentoml /home/bentoml/bento -R           0.5s
 => [base-container  7/12] WORKDIR /home/bentoml/bento                                                             0.1s
 => [base-container  8/12] COPY --chown=bentoml:bentoml ./env/python ./env/python/                                 0.2s
 => [base-container  9/12] RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/uv bash -euxo pipefail /home/bentoml/bento  29.7s
 => [base-container 10/12] COPY --chown=bentoml:bentoml . ./                                                       0.1s
 => [base-container 11/12] RUN rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,cache,log}                                                     0.2s
 => [base-container 12/12] RUN chmod +x /home/bentoml/bento/env/docker/                               0.7s
 => exporting to image                                                                                             4.1s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                            4.1s
 => => writing image sha256:09a34e0dd539e44331537b8ddb316e8b02e0a2c01d1d760ac225bed9ee1af6b0                       0.0s
 => => naming to                                              0.0s

 1 warning found (use docker --debug to expand):
 - FromAsCasing: 'as' and 'FROM' keywords' casing do not match (line 6)
Successfully built Bento container for "celestial_bodies_classifier:latest" with tag(s)
To run your newly built Bento container, run:
    docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 celestial-bodies-classifier:latest

Test the containerized BentoML model artifact locally

The BentoML model artifact is now containerized. To verify its behavior, serve the model artifact locally by running the Docker image:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Run the Docker image
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 celestial-bodies-classifier:latest

Congrats! You have successfully containerized the BentoML model artifact using Docker. You have also tested the container by running it locally. The model is now ready to be shared on a container registry.

Create a container registry

A container registry is a crucial component that provides a centralized system to manage Docker images. It serves as a repository for storing, versioning, and tracking Docker models built with BentoML, as each version comes with essential metadata, including training data, hyperparameters, and performance metrics.

This comprehensive information ensures reproducibility by preserving historical model versions, which aids in debugging and auditing. Additionally, it promotes transparency and simplifies model comparison and selection for deployment, allowing for seamless integration into production environments.

The model registry also facilitates collaboration among team members, enabling standardized model formats and easy sharing of access. Its support for automated deployment pipelines ensures consistent and reliable model deployment, allowing for an efficient models management.

To improve the deployment process on the Kubernetes server, you will use Google Artifact Registry as the ML model registry to publish and pull Docker images.

Enable the Google Artifact Registry API

You must enable the Google Artifact Registry API to create a container registry on Google Cloud with the following command:


You can display the available services in your project with the following command:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# List the services
gcloud services list
Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Enable the Google Artifact Registry API
gcloud services enable

Create the Google Container Registry

Export the repository name as an environment variable. Replace <my_repository_name> with a registy name of your choice. It has to be lowercase and words separated by hyphens.


The container registry name must be unique across all Google Cloud projects and users. For example, use mlops-<surname>-registry, where surname is based on your name. Change the container registry name if the command fails.

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
export GCP_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME=<my_repository_name>

Export the repository location as an environment variable. You can view the available locations at Cloud locations. You should ideally select a location close to where most of the expected traffic will come from. Replace <my_repository_location> with your own zone. For example, use europe-west6 for Switzerland (Zurich):

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
export GCP_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_LOCATION=<my_repository_location>

Lastly, when creating the repository, remember to specify the repository format as docker.

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Create the Google Container Registry
gcloud artifacts repositories create $GCP_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME \
    --repository-format=docker \

The output should be similar to this:

Create request issued for: [mlops-surname-registry]
Waiting for operation [projects/mlops-surname-project/locations/europe-west6/operations/be8b09fa-279c-468
5-b451-1f3c900d4a36] to complete...done.
Created repository [mlops-surname-registry].

This guide has been written with Google Cloud in mind. We are open to contributions to add support for other cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Exoscale, Microsoft Azure or Self-hosted Kubernetes but we might not officially support them.

If you want to contribute, please open an issue or a pull request on the GitHub repository. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Login to the remote Container Registry

Authenticate with the Google Container Registry

Configure gcloud to use the Google Container Registry as a Docker credential helper.

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Authenticate with the Google Container Registry
gcloud auth configure-docker ${GCP_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_LOCATION}

Press Y to validate the changes.

Ensure your GCP_PROJECT_ID variable is still correctly exported:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Check the exported project ID

The output should be similar to this:

Is the GCP_PROJECT_ID variable empty? Read this!

If the GCP_PROJECT_ID variable is empty, you need to export your Google Cloud Project ID again.

To get the ID of your project, you can use the Google Cloud CLI.

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# List the projects
gcloud projects list

The output should be similar to this:

PROJECT_ID             NAME                   PROJECT_NUMBER
mlops-surname-project  mlops-surname-project  123456789012

Ensure to copy the PROJECT_ID value (not the PROJECT_NUMBER value) and export it as an environment variable. Replace <my_project_id> with your own project ID:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
export GCP_PROJECT_ID=<my_project_id>

Export the container registry host:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal

This guide has been written with Google Cloud in mind. We are open to contributions to add support for other cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Exoscale, Microsoft Azure or Self-hosted Kubernetes but we might not officially support them.

If you want to contribute, please open an issue or a pull request on the GitHub repository. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Publish the BentoML model artifact Docker image to the container registry

The BentoML model artifact Docker image can be published to the container registry with the following commands:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Tag the local BentoML model artifact Docker image with the remote container registry host
docker tag celestial-bodies-classifier:latest $GCP_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_HOST/celestial-bodies-classifier:latest

# Push the BentoML model artifact Docker image to the container registry
docker push $GCP_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_HOST/celestial-bodies-classifier:latest

The image is now available in the container registry. You can use it from anywhere using Docker or Kubernetes.

Open the container registry interface on the cloud provider and check that the artifact files have been uploaded.

Open the Artifact Registry on the Google cloud interface and click on your registry to access the details.

This guide has been written with Google Cloud in mind. We are open to contributions to add support for other cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Exoscale, Microsoft Azure or Self-hosted Kubernetes but we might not officially support them.

If you want to contribute, please open an issue or a pull request on the GitHub repository. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Check the changes

Check the changes with Git to ensure that all the necessary files are tracked:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Add all the files
git add .

# Check the changes
git status

The output should look similar to this:

On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
    new file:   src/bentofile.yaml

Commit the changes to Git

Commit the changes to Git.

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Commit the changes
git commit -m "Use BentoML to containerize the model artifact"

# Push the changes
git push


Congratulations! You have successfully prepared the model for deployment in a production environment.

In this chapter, you have successfully:

  1. Created and containerized a BentoML model artifact
  2. Published the BentoML model artifact Docker image to the container registry

State of the MLOps process

  • Notebook has been transformed into scripts for production
  • Codebase and dataset are versioned
  • Steps used to create the model are documented and can be re-executed
  • Changes done to a model can be visualized with parameters, metrics and plots to identify differences between iterations
  • Codebase can be shared and improved by multiple developers
  • Dataset can be shared among the developers and is placed in the right directory in order to run the experiment
  • Experiment can be executed on a clean machine with the help of a CI/CD pipeline
  • CI/CD pipeline is triggered on pull requests and reports the results of the experiment
  • Changes to model can be thoroughly reviewed and discussed before integrating them into the codebase
  • Model can be saved and loaded with all required artifacts for future usage
  • Model can be easily used outside of the experiment context
  • Model requires manual publication to the artifact registry
  • Model is accessible from the Internet and can be used anywhere
  • Model requires manual deployment on the cluster
  • Model cannot be trained on hardware other than the local machine
  • Model cannot be trained on custom hardware for specific use-cases

You will address these issues in the next chapters for improved efficiency and collaboration. Continue the guide to learn how.


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