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Chapter 2.3 - Reproduce the ML experiment in a CI/CD pipeline


At this point, your code, your data and your execution process should be shared with Git and DVC.

Now, it's time to enhance your workflow further by incorporating a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline. This addition will enable you to execute your ML experiments remotely and reproduce it, ensuring that any changes made to the project won't inadvertently break. This helps eliminate the notorious "but it works on my machine" effect, where code behave differently across different environments.

In this chapter, you will learn how to:

  1. Grant access to the S3 bucket on the cloud provider
  2. Store the cloud provider credentials in the CI/CD configuration
  3. Create the CI/CD pipeline configuration file
  4. Push the CI/CD pipeline configuration file to Git
  5. Visualize the execution of the CI/CD pipeline

The following diagram illustrates the control flow of the experiment at the end of this chapter:

flowchart TB
    dot_dvc[(.dvc)] <-->|dvc push
                         dvc pull| s3_storage[(S3 Storage)]
    dot_git[(.git)] <-->|git push
                         git pull| gitGraph[Git Remote]
    workspaceGraph <-....-> dot_git
    data[data/raw] <-.-> dot_dvc
    subgraph remoteGraph[REMOTE]
        subgraph gitGraph[Git Remote]
            direction TB
            repository[(Repository)] --> action[Action]
            action -->|dvc pull| action_data[data/raw]
            action_data -->|dvc repro| action_out[metrics & plots]
    subgraph cacheGraph[CACHE]
    subgraph workspaceGraph[WORKSPACE]
        prepare[] <-.-> dot_dvc
        train[] <-.-> dot_dvc
        evaluate[] <-.-> dot_dvc
        data --> prepare
        subgraph dvcGraph["dvc.yaml (dvc repro)"]
            prepare --> train
            train --> evaluate
        params[params.yaml] -.- prepare
        params -.- train
        params <-.-> dot_dvc
    style cacheGraph opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style workspaceGraph opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style dot_git opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style dot_dvc opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style data opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style prepare opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style params opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style train opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style evaluate opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style dvcGraph opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style s3_storage opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    style repository opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 0 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 1 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 2 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 3 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 4 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 7 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 8 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 9 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 10 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 11 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 12 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 13 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 14 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80
    linkStyle 15 opacity:0.4,color:#7f7f7f80


Set up access to the S3 bucket of the cloud provider

DVC will need to log in to the S3 bucket of the cloud provider to download the data inside the CI/CD pipeline:

Google Cloud allows the creation of a "Service Account", so you don't have to store/share your own credentials. A Service Account can be deleted, hence revoking all the access it had.

Create the Google Service Account and its associated Google Service Account Key to access Google Cloud without your own credentials.

The key will be stored in your ~/.config/gcloud directory under the name google-service-account-key.json:


You must never add and commit this file to your working directory. It is a sensitive data that you must keep safe.

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Create the Google Service Account
gcloud iam service-accounts create google-service-account \
    --display-name="Google Service Account"

# Set the permissions for the Google Service Account
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GCP_PROJECT_ID \
    --member="serviceAccount:google-service-account@${GCP_PROJECT_ID}" \

# Create the Google Service Account Key
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/.config/gcloud/google-service-account-key.json \


The path ~/.config/gcloud should be created when installing gcloud. If it does not exist, you can create it by running mkdir -p ~/.config/gcloud

This guide has been written with Google Cloud in mind. We are open to contributions to add support for other cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Exoscale, Microsoft Azure or Self-hosted Kubernetes but we might not officially support them.

If you want to contribute, please open an issue or a pull request on the GitHub repository. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Store the cloud provider credentials in the CI/CD configuration

Now that the credentials are created, you need to store them in the CI/CD configuration. Depending on the CI/CD platform you are using, the process will be different:

Display the Google Service Account key

The service account key is stored on your computer as a JSON file. You need to display it and store it as a CI/CD variable in a text format.

Display the Google Service Account key that you have downloaded from Google Cloud:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Display the Google Service Account key
cat ~/.config/gcloud/google-service-account-key.json

Encode and display the Google Service Account key that you have downloaded from Google Cloud as base64. It allows to hide the secret in GitLab CI logs as a security measure.

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Encode the Google Service Account key to base64
base64 -w 0 -i ~/.config/gcloud/google-service-account-key.json
Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Encode the Google Service Account key to base64
base64 -i ~/.config/gcloud/google-service-account-key.json

Store the Google Service Account key as a CI/CD variable

Store the output as a CI/CD variable by going to the Settings section from the top header of your GitHub repository.

Select Secrets and variables > Actions and select New repository secret.

Create a new variable named GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY with the output value of the Google Service Account key file as its value. Save the variable by selecting Add secret.

Store the output as a CI/CD Variable by going to Settings > CI/CD from the left sidebar of your GitLab project.

Select Variables and select Add variable.

Create a new variable named GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY with the Google Service Account key file encoded in base64 as its value.

  • Protect variable: Unchecked
  • Mask variable: Checked
  • Expand variable reference: Unchecked

Save the variable by clicking Add variable.

This guide has been written with Google Cloud in mind. We are open to contributions to add support for other cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Exoscale, Microsoft Azure or Self-hosted Kubernetes but we might not officially support them.

If you want to contribute, please open an issue or a pull request on the GitHub repository. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Create the CI/CD pipeline configuration file

At the root level of your Git repository, create a GitHub Workflow configuration file .github/workflows/mlops.yaml. Take some time to understand the train job and its steps:

name: MLOps

  # Runs on pushes targeting main branch
      - main

  # Runs on pull requests

  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Setup Python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: '3.12'
          cache: pip
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: pip install --requirement requirements-freeze.txt
      - name: Login to Google Cloud
        uses: google-github-actions/auth@v2
          credentials_json: '${{ secrets.GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY }}'
      - name: Train model
        run: dvc repro --pull

At the root level of your Git repository, create a GitLab CI configuration file .gitlab-ci.yml.

Explore this file to understand the train stage and its steps.

  - train

  # Change pip's cache directory to be inside the project directory since we can
  # only cache local items.
  GIT_DEPTH: "0"
  # Set the path to Google Service Account key for DVC -
  GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/google-service-account-key.json"

  stage: train
  image: python:3.12
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main"
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
    # Set the Google Service Account key
    # Create the virtual environment for caching
    - python3.12 -m venv .venv
    - source .venv/bin/activate
    # Install dependencies
    - pip install --requirement requirements-freeze.txt
    # Run the experiment
    - dvc repro --pull
      # Pip's cache doesn't store the Python packages
      - .cache/pip
      - .venv/


Instead of running dvc pull and dvc repro separately, you can run them together with dvc repro --pull.

Push the CI/CD pipeline configuration file to Git

Push the CI/CD pipeline configuration file to Git:

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Add the configuration file
git add .github/workflows/mlops.yaml

# Commit the changes
git commit -m "Use a pipeline to run my experiment on each push"

# Push the changes
git push

Push the CI/CD pipeline configuration file to Git.

Execute the following command(s) in a terminal
# Add the configuration file
git add .gitlab-ci.yml

# Commit the changes
git commit -m "Use a pipeline to run my experiment on each push"

# Push the changes
git push

Check the results

You can see the pipeline running on the Actions page.

You can see the pipeline running on the CI/CD > Pipelines page.

You should see a newly created pipeline. The pipeline should log into Google Cloud, pull the data from DVC and reproduce the experiment. If you encounter cache errors, verify that you have pushed all data to DVC with dvc push.

You may have noticed that DVC was able to skip all stages as its cache is up to date. It helps you to ensure the experiment can be run (all data and metadata are up to date) and that the experiment can be reproduced (the results are the same).

This chapter is done, you can check the summary.


Congratulations! You now have a CI/CD pipeline that will run the experiment on each commit.

In this chapter, you have successfully:

  1. Granted access to the S3 bucket on the cloud provider
  2. Stored the cloud provider credentials in the CI/CD configuration
  3. Created the CI/CD pipeline configuration file
  4. Pushed the CI/CD pipeline configuration file to Git
  5. Visualized the execution of the CI/CD pipeline

You fixed some of the previous issues:

  • The experiment can be executed on a clean machine with the help of a CI/CD pipeline

You have a CI/CD pipeline to ensure the whole experiment can still be reproduced using the data and the commands to run using DVC over time.

You can now safely continue to the next chapter.

State of the MLOps process

  • Notebook has been transformed into scripts for production
  • Codebase and dataset are versioned
  • Steps used to create the model are documented and can be re-executed
  • Changes done to a model can be visualized with parameters, metrics and plots to identify differences between iterations
  • Codebase can be shared and improved by multiple developers
  • Dataset can be shared among the developers and is placed in the right directory in order to run the experiment
  • Experiment can be executed on a clean machine with the help of a CI/CD pipeline
  • CI/CD pipeline does not report the results of the experiment
  • Changes to model are not thoroughly reviewed and discussed before integration
  • Model may have required artifacts that are forgotten or omitted in saved/loaded state
  • Model cannot be easily used from outside of the experiment context
  • Model requires manual publication to the artifact registry
  • Model is not accessible on the Internet and cannot be used anywhere
  • Model requires manual deployment on the cluster
  • Model cannot be trained on hardware other than the local machine
  • Model cannot be trained on custom hardware for specific use-cases

You will address these issues in the next chapters for improved efficiency and collaboration. Continue the guide to learn how.


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